Volunteer at the Playhouse


Reach Out for the Stars Volunteer Program
The Tommy O’s Northern Stars Playhouse is made up of a group of fantastic people who volunteer their time throughout the year working at the concession stands, silent auctions, galas, greeting patrons at the doors when they arrive at the theatre, and other miscellaneous theatre-related tasks. Reach Out members also help with office tasks, mailings, fundraisers, moving actors in and out of their summer housing, transportation and other tasks, even helping out around the grounds.
Teen-agers are encouraged to apply as well!

Time Commitment
We ask that our members donate a minimum of 15 hours throughout the summer.

Include selling concessions before the show and during intermission; greeting at the door; assist patrons with questions; assist with silent auctions; assist with actor’s moving-in or moving-out; and many, many more jobs!

Questions, Comments, Concerns
If you have any questions regarding the Reach Out for the Stars Program, or want to sign up, please email us at: volunteer@tommyosnorthernstarsplayhouse.com

Introducing Some of Our Actors


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